DIY Reusable Bags From Repurposed T-Shirts
I recently met a wonderful Girl Scout named Emalee who is working on her Silver Project. She is concerned about the amount of single-use plastic going into our waterways so her project was designed to help people come up with a simple alternative to plastic shopping bags.
In this video blog, Emalee, shows how to create your own reusable shopping bags and explains why it's so important to reduce single-use plastic.
“We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”
Reusables During Covid-19 Pandemic
If you’re wondering if stores will let you use your reusable bags, check this out: Greenish Neighbor Instagram Post on Reusable Bags
Check out this Grist article supporting the use of reusable bags.
To scroll through the slides Emalee created please click below: