Cary Recycling and Composting Resources
Hello Cary Neighbors! Our passion at Greenish Neighbor is showing our Neighbors how to Reduce Landfill Waste by Composting and Recycling Right. Below you will find resources to help you do just that.
(This page contains affiliate links to help support Greenish Neighbor programs.)
Food Waste Recycling is now available at the downtown cary convenience center. yes, that means composting is Available to all Cary citizens so check out all the details HERE.
Stay up to date on what you can recycle in Cary at the Solid Waste Information Page HERE. You can access Recycling Information and the Waste Wizard HERE.
Download the Searchable CARY COLLECTS App to look up items you have questions about.
CARY COLLECTS app is available for download free where you get your apps.
CARY COLLECTS can send you reminders of your collection dates and special waste collection information.
REMEMBER: Aseptic cartons like gable top milk cartons and broth cartons are no longer recyclable in your Town of Cary brown recycling bin.
When it comes to recycling plastics in your curbside bin, keep it to BOTTLES, TUBS, JUGS and JARS.
And keep your recycling LOOSE IN THE BIN!
Other NC Recycle Right Information and Graphics are available here!
Here’s where to take those “hard to recycle” items:
Plastic grocery bags, bread/bun bags, plastic film (like the type that comes on paper towels and water bottle cases) - take to your grocery store plastic collection bins. Many local grocery stores are sending this plastic to Trex for recycling. (Tip - If it is stretchy when you try to rip it, it can go in the store bins.) See the Greenish Neighbor FB Live about this topic HERE.
Chip bags (single serving or family sized), protein bars, snack wrappers and k-cups – take to Johnson Subaru in Cary. There are teracycle bins in the lounge area as part of Subaru Loves the Earth.
Food Waste – take for composting to the Wake County Convenience Center 2, 4, 7, 8 or 10.
Clean and dry polystyrene foam packaging and foam trays can be taken to your local Publix storefront.
Consider Reducing household Waste by Composting
Compostable waste makes up ~40% of Wake County residents’ trash*. This material could have been turned into nutrient rich soil but instead it will go into the landfill where it will not break down properly thus generating green house gasses. Consider reducing your landfill waste by backyard composting or commercial composting.
For backyard composting we recommend checking out these Composting Quick Tips and trying a backyard compost bin like Enviro World or Earth Machine. Here is information on Cary’s Spring Compost Bin Sale.
Services like CompostNow offer pick up services to businesses and residents for a fee.
Free commercial composting is available at Wake County Convenience Centers. More Info >
* Source: Wake County North Carolina Waste Characterization Study 2019
THANK YOU to our friend Tara who shared this great residential composting resource with us!
The Wake County Landfill is where Wake County trash goes. Plan a family or Office tour to learn about the landfill. You won’t regret it.
Follow Greenish Neighbor on social media for lots of tips on how to take simple steps to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
Being completely GREEN can be hard to do but being GREENISH is a great way to start.