Straws and Single-Use Plastics
Visit these Cary businesses who have pledged to reduce their use of plastic straws:
"Hi, Sean from Crosstown Pub here. I just wanted to thank you for putting on the STRAWS event at the Cary Theater last Thursday. Watching the documentary and listening to the panel discussion afterwards has really struck a chord with us and it's made us rethink what we can change here at the Pub. With that being said, we are currently in the (slow) process of swapping out styrofoam cups, lids, straws, takeout boxes and bags for environmentally-friendly products. We are also in talks with a few local compost companies to help us look into the logistics of setting up our own composting program here at Crosstown! So again, thank you very much for what you are doing and keep up the good work because it really is making people think!!"
Sean Ryan - Owner of Crosstown Pub
Are you a Cary restaurant or bar owner or manager? Join other Cary businesses in making the pledge to reduce single-use plastic straws!
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