GreenISH Resources

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Thank you so much for participating in a Greenish Neighbor Program or presentation! Our passion is showing our Neighbors how to reduce their Carbon Footprint and landfill waste!

Below you will find resources for many of the topics we discussed.


Climate Change: What Kids Need to Know

Parent/Guardian guide to the main points of the session:

  • Climate Change explained as a warming of the Earth due to the greenhouse effect caused by excessive amounts of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.

  • Evidence of Climate Change in North Carolina. (intensity of storms, consistent record heat, sea level rise)

    1. How NC residents, commerce and industry contribute to greenhouse gasses:

      • wasted energy in buildings, emissions from transportation and animal agriculture

      • food waste in the landfill emitting methane

      • development of land and cutting of trees/forests that sequester carbon

  • The GOOD NEWS: We already have technology that is making a impact in reducing carbon. (wind turbines, solar panels, electric vehicles, efficient lighting and insulation)

  • What a FAMILY can do:

    • Speak up about Climate Change with others in your community. We cannot fix what we don’t talk about.

    • Install insulation, smart thermometers or LED lighting to make home and work more efficient.

    • Know the best way to source goods as well as reduce and dispose of waste (shop local, reuse, compost, recycle, landfill)

    • Rethink transportation (walk, bike, electric vehicle, hybrid vehicle, public transportation)

  • What a KID can do:

    • Talk about Climate Change and ask questions with your family.

    • Try to eat more fruits & vegetables than meat, eat leftovers, and try not to waste food.

    • Save energy by turning off lights when you leave a room.

    • Get outside and enjoy nature. When you spend time in nature, you’re more inclined to protect nature.

Resources on Climate Change:

Reduce Waste by Composting

Compostable waste makes up ~40% of Wake County residents’ trash*. This is material could have been turned into nutrient rich soil but instead it will go into the landfill where it will not break down properly thus generating green house gasses. Consider reducing your landfill waste by backyard composting or commercial composting.

* Source: Wake County North Carolina Waste Characterization Study 2019

The Wake County Landfill is where Wake County trash goes. Plan a family or Office tour to learn about the landfill. You won’t regret it.

Stay up to date on what’s going on with waste and recycling in your city:

NC Recycle Right Information is available here!


Follow Greenish Neighbor on social media for lots of tips on how to take simple steps to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

Being completely GREEN can be hard to do but being GREENISH is a great way to start.



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